10 days...
I tell ya - I can't win. Thinking I'm pretty much all set for my trip another expense reared it's ugly head. I took a closer look at my back tire and it's worn much more than I realized... frick. I might be able to get away with using up the tire for the upcoming road trip, but do I really want to be worrying about it? Simple answer - NO! If something did happen and it was all because I didn't want to spend another $150 I would never forgive myself, not to mention the wife would probably make me sell the bike.
Plenty of tread left on the sides but the center is pretty much toast:
While out for a ride today I think I've come across the ultimate retard turd who shouldn't be on the road. Light turns green and they seriously have to think about it before going. "hmm.. green means go I think, now where did the gas pedal go??" Meanwhile in my head I'm thinking of multiple ways this person can be exerminated. This guy has three strikes against him - 1. Drives a Saturn. 2. Wisconsin plates 3. Most likely a Packer fan. At least they weren't on their cell phone...not sure if that technology has reached cheeseland yet though.
Plenty of tread left on the sides but the center is pretty much toast:
While out for a ride today I think I've come across the ultimate retard turd who shouldn't be on the road. Light turns green and they seriously have to think about it before going. "hmm.. green means go I think, now where did the gas pedal go??" Meanwhile in my head I'm thinking of multiple ways this person can be exerminated. This guy has three strikes against him - 1. Drives a Saturn. 2. Wisconsin plates 3. Most likely a Packer fan. At least they weren't on their cell phone...not sure if that technology has reached cheeseland yet though.
There is the problem Matt. They are from WI. When you talk to them, you have to talk slow. So in this thought process, they are a bit slower when it comes to reaction times. You ever see a National Drag Champ from Wisconsin? I don't think so.
I think we need to setup border patrol between IL & WI... we can't let them come and go as they please. "What is your business in IL?" "Uhhhhh... I, um..." "Time's up, please turn around and go home sir."
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